Where Should Eggs Be Stored in Summer: 6 Effective Ways

Where Should Eggs Be Stored in Summer: 6 Effective Ways

As temperatures rise during the summer months, the way we store food, particularly perishables like eggs, becomes crucial to maintain their safety and quality. 

Eggs are a staple in many diets, valued for their nutritional benefits, but they are also susceptible to spoilage if not stored properly.

 With the warm weather setting in, it's important to know ‘where should eggs be stored’ to ensure they remain fresh and safe for consumption.

Benefits of Eggs for Our Body

Eggs are renowned for their exceptional nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of complete protein, meaning they provide all nine essential amino acids our bodies need. Additionally, eggs are rich in Vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health and immune function, and choline, which supports brain development and liver function. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that play roles in eye health. Despite their small size, eggs pack a dense nutritional punch, offering significant benefits in just a few calories, which makes them an ideal component for any meal, especially when you can buy white eggs online or buy brown eggs online for variety and quality.


6 Ways to Store Eggs During Summer


1. Refrigerate Promptly and Properly: 

When dealing with eggs in summer, the primary rule is to store eggs in the refrigerator immediately after you get them home. This is especially important if you buy eggs online and they are delivered during the hot part of the day. The consistent, cool temperature of a refrigerator ensures that eggs are kept away from the danger zone where bacteria can proliferate. Remember, store eggs in the fridge, not the door, where temperature fluctuations are more frequent.

2. Keep It Clean: 

Whether you buy white eggs online or from a local store, knowing ‘where should eggs be stored’ is paramount. Always wash your hands before handling eggs and ensure that the storage area is clean. This includes washing the egg carton if it seems dirty or has come into contact with other potentially contaminated items. A clean environment reduces the risk of bacteria transfer, which is crucial in knowing ‘where eggs should be stored’.

3. Timing Matters: 

Be mindful of the time eggs spend outside the refrigerator. How does heat affect eggs? Heat accelerates the growth of bacteria and can reduce the shelf life of eggs without refrigerator exposure. Try to minimize the time eggs are kept at room temperature. Ideally, they should not be left out for more than two hours, and even less if the temperature is very high.

4. Shady Coolness: 

If you must keep eggs outside of a refrigerator for a while, perhaps during an outdoor event, choose a shady, cool spot. This can significantly slow down the degradation process. Heat accelerates the growth of bacteria and can lead to spoilage. It’s important to never leave eggs in a hot car or near a heat source in your kitchen. If transporting eggs, use insulated bags to maintain a cool environment.

5. Check the Shelf Life: 

Understanding the shelf life of eggs without refrigerator storage helps in planning their use. Eggs generally have a considerable shelf life, but this diminishes rapidly at room temperature and in heat. Always check the best before date if available, and use eggs that are closer to their expiry date first. This practice helps in maintaining the quality of eggs throughout the summer.

6. Rotation and Usage

Always practise the first-in, first-out principle. Use older eggs for cooking where they will be thoroughly heated, and keep fresher eggs for uses where they are less cooked. Being aware of where should eggs be stored in your refrigerator can also help in maintaining their freshness and extending their usability.


Eggs are a versatile and nutritious food item that can be enjoyed year-round, provided they are stored correctly. Summer brings its challenges, but by knowing ‘where should eggs be stored’, you can enjoy eggs safely and deliciously. For an added boost in quality and nutritional assurance, consider trying Eggoz Nutrition eggs, known for their superior freshness and health benefits. These eggs come from carefully monitored farms, ensuring they are as nutritious as they are delicious. Proper storage is key to maintaining their freshness and nutritional value. 

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