Egg Grading: Ensuring the Best Quality

Egg Grading: Ensuring the Best Quality

How does it feel when you see stained eggs in your kitchen? Sometimes it makes you feel less craving for a yummilicious egg feast. So the procedure of egg grading comes into play. These shelled superheroes go through rigorous inspections to earn their grades. From size to shell quality, nothing escapes the eagle-eyed graders. They even peek inside with a little light-hearted candling. Whether it's the perfect poacher or the ultimate omelet maker, egg grading ensures only the finest make it to your frying pan.

What is Egg Grading?

USDA has hopped in and made it simple for you. Egg Grading is a process of sorting eggs into three different categories: Grade ‘AA’, ‘A’, and ‘B’ which was established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help producers glorify their products. Grade ‘AA’ eggs are of the highest quality, while Grade ‘A’ eggs may resemble Grade ‘AA’ visually but lack the same yolk quality. Grade ‘B’ eggs, which exhibit further reductions in interior quality, are not typically sold in markets due to possible surface stains or irregularities.

However, one may wonder why eggs need to be graded and why they cannot be given simpler names like "large," "good," or "best". To address these doubts, let's explore the process and reasons behind egg grading.


The process of categorising eggs into Grades ‘AA’, ‘A’, and ‘B’ based on factors such as size, internal/external quality, and texture is known as "egg grading" in the poultry industry. While not mandatory for egg production farms, they often implement this process to assist consumers in easily hand-pick the eggs that meet their specific needs by referring to the grades. Egg grading also plays a crucial role in facilitating appropriate packaging, and pricing, and ensuring the quality of eggs.

What is the procedure for Egg Grading?

To ensure consistent standards for egg quality, eggs undergo grading based on both external and internal conditions.


Even for eggs, it's more than their appearance. But how are the eggs graded and why aren't they just called ‘white eggs’ or ‘white faulty eggs’? Well, because there’re multiple factors here! 

  1. Shell Shape & Texture:

The primary thing for a high-quality egg is an oval shape that is narrower at the top and wider at the bottom, devoid of any rough spots or cracks. While egg grading, the graders utilise a reference image for comparison with an ideal egg. Even if there are minor hairline cracks & spots, as long as the egg maintains the desired oval shape, it can be assigned a grade of ‘AA’ or ‘A’.

  1. Shell Cleanliness:
  • The cleanliness of an egg's shell significantly influences its grading. A visibly dirty egg, with noticeable stains, is automatically excluded from receiving a rating.
  • An egg with slight ridges or stains can still be eligible for grading, as long as the stains are not concentrated in one area and cover less than one-sixteenth of the shell's surface. 
  • A clean egg is free from any foreign materials, deformities, or stains. It is acceptable for an egg to have minor marks, stains, or traces of processing oil, as long as they are not visible to the naked eye.


The process of egg grading based on their interior quality may seem unbelievable without breaking them. However, graders have been assessing the internal characteristics of eggs for many years using a method known as "egg candling." Traditionally, this involved holding an egg over a flame to examine its internal health. Nowadays, technological advancements have replaced the flame with egg candler cool LED lights while maintaining the same concept. Occasionally, graders may need to break a few eggs to ensure uniformity during the grading process.

  • Air Cells:
    When eggs are freshly laid, they contain minimal amounts of air. However, as the eggs cool, the liquid content contracts, creating an air space within the egg. Though the air cell is the last contributor in egg grading, it still holds value, a larger gap corresponds to a lower grade being awarded.
  • Shell Whiteness:
    The outer portion surrounding the yolk, known as "albumen," determines the whiteness of the eggshell. Eggs with firm and tight shells are awarded Grade ‘AA’, those with medium firmness receive Grade ‘A’, and eggs with weaker shells and low viscosity are categorised as Grade ‘B’.
  • Yolk Quality:
    During the candling process, graders examine the shadow outline and the bright colour of the yolk to assess its quality. A Grade ‘AA’ egg will have a fading white shadow with bright colour, a Grade ‘A’ egg will leave a green-tinted shadow and faded yolk colour, while Grade ‘B’ eggs exhibit a very dark outline, shadow and dull yolk colour.

Once the eggs are graded, they are sorted by weight using an Egg Grading Machine. It's important to note that the weight of an egg does not determine its quality or taste; rather, it is primarily done to achieve uniform packaging.

 How does Eggoz Nutrition follows the process of Egg Grading?

  • At Eggoz, our commitment is to provide farm fresh eggs of the utmost quality at competitive prices. We achieve this by raising hens that are fed a herbal diet in bio-monitored farms.
  • Our egg grading system is comprehensive and meticulous, prioritising the freshness and strength of the eggs we sell. 
  • Our team of professional graders utilises the technique of 'candling' with 11 rigorous quality checks and UV sanitation points.
  • To maintain the integrity of our eggs, we closely monitor and record real-time data on temperature, humidity, and pH values during transportation.
  • We take pride in our efficient delivery system, ensuring that fresh and nutritious eggs reach supermarkets within 24 hours from the moment they are laid. 
  • This allows us to assure consumers to buy farm fresh eggs from their nearest location.

Last but not least:

In conclusion, egg grading is a crucial process that actively ensures adherence to specific quality standards for eggs. It goes beyond superficial appearances, encompassing factors like size, shell, and interior freshness. That’s why Eggoz Nutrition is #1 farm fresh eggs provider where anyone can buy white eggs and brown eggs online. Tabhi to har koi

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